Recruiting and Training Library Cadets (RTLC) for a sustainable Bahamas and Information Literacy Club programmes came into existence through the funding and support of United Nations Educational, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Information for All Programme (IFAP) and the Ministry of Education in 2005. From these programmes, evolved the development of an innovative and dynamic Community Radio Station, InfoLight 90.1FM. It was launched by the Minister of Education in 2008 and the first of its kind in the Caribbean region. Under the leadership of Mrs. Dorcas Bowler, Head Librarian and the seminal work of Mrs. Sarah Bethel, first radio producer, the station began airing mainly a medley of music and the works of Dr. Cleveland Eneas, renowned Bahamian story teller.

The educational programmes that are produced range from information literacy, role of libraries in an information age, diversity of the Bahamian culture, spiritual and rake ‘n scrape music to backyard gardening reaching the heart and soul of all via FM and Internet radio. These exciting and dynamic shows would not be possible without the hard work and the persistent efforts of Mrs. Alfreda Cooper, executive producer along with her team of volunteers. 

We welcome sponsorships from the corporate community to extend the range of our educational programming to the family islands.